Everybody can easily say that the seasons keep on changing &the days are followed by night.Similarly ,the difficult moments are followed by joyous moments and its the most of ours foolishness to get irritated by the painfull moments .But ,its really tough job to keep under controll to our mind during such moments.
Its almost going to be two years in the upcomig February last for mine sydney stay.A lots of ups and down I could see and they all have become just the past memories.By December 11,2009 Iam to finish my studies completely and on that very day we are to get our certificaes formally.Now at the moment Iam in three months industrial placement period.It started on the 26 th of September 2009.Today its 12 th October 2009.
Within this three months period I need to prepare logbook of the IP.At the moment I have full time work right, which till todays date I haven't been able to manage for which I have enough unhappiness.As far the luck is concerned ,its nomore with me.To say the truth ,a lots of problems have surrouded me ,Iam in real mental tension knowingly ,unknowingly.I don't how would be the upcoming days.
Sometimes ,I feel everything is uncertain and sometimes just the opposite.To make a conclusion ,I can easily say that days are really tough and challanging which I should face very carefully.Let me hope the almighty god /goddess will provide enough energy to think for the solutions........
Iam ready to be with Menzies hotel,sydney...its 4 star accor hotel
Its matter of pleasure and happiness to be with Menzies hotel sydney.From 28th of May,2008 Iam excitingly starting the new job in this four star hotel.To say the truth its matter of luck to get an opportunity to work in the heart of sydney,very near to the opera house and harbour bridge.Thanks to god ,further more to Andrew,Toya and Jessica .Without their hearty help and assistance I suppose I wouldn't have been able to be with this very exciting and prestigious hotel.To know more about this hospitality establishment you can log on to http://www.sydneymenzieshotel.com.au/
MINE SITE VISIT COUNTER(since27th april,2009)

Monday, October 12, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Rudd's gourmet meals in air criticised

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has his priorities wrong ordering gourmet meals on board official flights, Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull says.
News Ltd has claimed that Australian taxpayers are paying thousands of dollars to ensure Mr Rudd is served a three-course meal on every RAAF VIP flight, including the Sydney to Canberra service. Defence overhauled the catering arrangements after an outburst by Mr Rudd on board a flight from Port Moresby to Canberra in January.
Mr Turnbull said Australians were focused on jobs.
"They want to know what the government is doing to promote jobs, they want to know why money isn't being better and more effectively spent," Mr Turnbull told the Seven Network on Wednesday.
"I think the prime minister's got his priorities wrong on the aeroplane as well as he has on the economy."
News Ltd has claimed that Australian taxpayers are paying thousands of dollars to ensure Mr Rudd is served a three-course meal on every RAAF VIP flight, including the Sydney to Canberra service. Defence overhauled the catering arrangements after an outburst by Mr Rudd on board a flight from Port Moresby to Canberra in January.
Mr Turnbull said Australians were focused on jobs.
"They want to know what the government is doing to promote jobs, they want to know why money isn't being better and more effectively spent," Mr Turnbull told the Seven Network on Wednesday.
"I think the prime minister's got his priorities wrong on the aeroplane as well as he has on the economy."
Australian recession and Ian Huntley 's view

I certainly think Australia is in recession, but for various reasons I can't see it being as bad as in the USA or Europe.
The current surge could possibly crest 4,000 before a correction. At this stage the move has performed very similarly to first legs of other significant upward moves - many wait for 'the correction' only to find the market carries on. That builds buyer frustration, more fuel.
My guess is the market will top out early May and correct, but to the surprise of the bears, I don't believe it will correct all the way back to the lows, or take them out. For me, the jury is out as to whether this is the first leg of a new bull market, or whether it is very strong upward move in a series of big trading moves around the lows over the next year or two - as happened after the 1987 crash through to mid-January 1991.
It is obvious the Americans are working hard to re-instil confidence. Bernanke does have evidence to support his 'first green shoots' commentary backed up by the Fed's Beige Book anecdotal report from its 12 districts. Banks led the US market down, and there are certainly 'green shoots' appearing there. There would want to be given the immense effort thrown at kick starting a wrecked US banking system.
American Express reported a slowing in the rate of its bad debt accumulation, a good sign. As RIO has showed there is a thawing in the corporate bond market at a price, and that is a positive. RIO is hardly Robinson Crusoe in wanting to get away from its dependence on a series of banks in a syndicate. As one veteran businessman said to me, "Murdoch learned that lesson in the late 80s".
Copper - the so called guide to global industrial production is up nearly 80 per cent in price in just four months. And that's against a background of a horrendous global economy. It would appear that China is the main buyer as it prepares for its major infrastructure stimulus program which should impact its economic statistics in the second half taking Chinese GDP growth from the first half rate around 6 per cent to levels running at an 8 per cent per annum rate. Its car market is already larger than the USA. Chinese strength is not enough to kick start a global recovery, but it sure is a huge boost to Australia, as we export the materials needed to build its infrastructure!
Time does tell
I look at the cycle as usually kicking off in years ending in two, then ending in years ending from seven to zero. This time in the seven I saw danger and constantly warned against using debt against the portfolio but did not warn against investing in companies with high levels of debt. I did warn against one of the usual causes of Aussie bear market pain - mining specs. Pain came to those who used margin debt to leverage their portfolios, but also there was the odd disaster too. Again, adequate diversification is always the rule.
On the timing front, I recognised that a market running at plus 20 per cent growth rates couldn't last for ever but I felt that after a strong correction it had, say, another year in it. My lesson here is that when you run into the fifth year of such a bull market you not only reduce any debt, but also build some precautionary cash on the basis that you will be able to invest it ever so much better over the next year or so when panic brings bargains galore. A less explosive bull may well last longer but it makes sense to lighten in the later years especially against a climate of rising interest rates, when good returns stem from 10 year bonds.
Source: by Ian Huntley
The current surge could possibly crest 4,000 before a correction. At this stage the move has performed very similarly to first legs of other significant upward moves - many wait for 'the correction' only to find the market carries on. That builds buyer frustration, more fuel.
My guess is the market will top out early May and correct, but to the surprise of the bears, I don't believe it will correct all the way back to the lows, or take them out. For me, the jury is out as to whether this is the first leg of a new bull market, or whether it is very strong upward move in a series of big trading moves around the lows over the next year or two - as happened after the 1987 crash through to mid-January 1991.
It is obvious the Americans are working hard to re-instil confidence. Bernanke does have evidence to support his 'first green shoots' commentary backed up by the Fed's Beige Book anecdotal report from its 12 districts. Banks led the US market down, and there are certainly 'green shoots' appearing there. There would want to be given the immense effort thrown at kick starting a wrecked US banking system.
American Express reported a slowing in the rate of its bad debt accumulation, a good sign. As RIO has showed there is a thawing in the corporate bond market at a price, and that is a positive. RIO is hardly Robinson Crusoe in wanting to get away from its dependence on a series of banks in a syndicate. As one veteran businessman said to me, "Murdoch learned that lesson in the late 80s".
Copper - the so called guide to global industrial production is up nearly 80 per cent in price in just four months. And that's against a background of a horrendous global economy. It would appear that China is the main buyer as it prepares for its major infrastructure stimulus program which should impact its economic statistics in the second half taking Chinese GDP growth from the first half rate around 6 per cent to levels running at an 8 per cent per annum rate. Its car market is already larger than the USA. Chinese strength is not enough to kick start a global recovery, but it sure is a huge boost to Australia, as we export the materials needed to build its infrastructure!
Time does tell
I look at the cycle as usually kicking off in years ending in two, then ending in years ending from seven to zero. This time in the seven I saw danger and constantly warned against using debt against the portfolio but did not warn against investing in companies with high levels of debt. I did warn against one of the usual causes of Aussie bear market pain - mining specs. Pain came to those who used margin debt to leverage their portfolios, but also there was the odd disaster too. Again, adequate diversification is always the rule.
On the timing front, I recognised that a market running at plus 20 per cent growth rates couldn't last for ever but I felt that after a strong correction it had, say, another year in it. My lesson here is that when you run into the fifth year of such a bull market you not only reduce any debt, but also build some precautionary cash on the basis that you will be able to invest it ever so much better over the next year or so when panic brings bargains galore. A less explosive bull may well last longer but it makes sense to lighten in the later years especially against a climate of rising interest rates, when good returns stem from 10 year bonds.
Source: by Ian Huntley
Scientists discover Earth-sized planet

In the search for Earth-like planets, astronomers zeroed in Tuesday on two places that look awfully familiar to home. One is close to the right size. The other is in the right place.
European researchers said they not only found the smallest exoplanet ever, called Gliese 581 e, but realised that a neighbouring planet discovered earlier, Gliese 581 d, was in the prime habitable zone for potential life.
An exoplanet is a planet beyond the Solar system that orbits a star other than the Sun. "The Holy Grail of current exoplanet research is the detection of a rocky, Earth-like planet in the 'habitable zone,"' said Michel Mayor, an astrophysicist at Geneva University in Switzerland.
An American expert called the discovery of the tiny planet "extraordinary."
Gliese 581 e is only 1.9 times the size of Earth - while previous planets found outside our solar system are closer to the size of massive Jupiter, which NASA says could swallow more than 1,000 Earths.
Gliese 581 e sits close to the nearest star, making it too hot to support life. Still, Mayor said its discovery in a solar system 20 light years away from Earth is a "good example that we are progressing in the detection of Earth-like planets."
Scientists also discovered that the orbit of planet Gliese 581 d, which was found in 2007, was located within the "habitable zone" - a region around a sun-like star that would allow water to be liquid on the planet's surface, Mayor said.
He spoke at a news conference on Tuesday at the University of Hertfordshire during the European Week of Astronomy and Space Science.
Gliese 581 d is probably too large to be made only of rocky material, fellow astronomer and team member Stephane Udry said, adding it was possible the planet had a "large and deep" ocean.
"It is the first serious 'water-world' candidate," Udry said.
Mayor's main planet-hunting competitor, Geoff Marcy of the University of California, Berkeley, praised the find of Gliese 581 e as "the most exciting discovery" so far of exoplanets - planets outside our solar system.
"This discovery is absolutely extraordinary," Marcy told The Associated Press by email, calling the discoveries a significant step in the search for Earth-like planets.
While Gliese 581 e is too hot for life "it shows that nature makes such small planets, probably in large numbers," Marcy commented. "Surely the galaxy contains tens of billions of planets like the small, Earth-mass one announced here."
Nearly 350 planets have been found outside our solar system, but so far nearly every one of them was found to be extremely unlikely to harbour life.
Most were too close or too far from their sun, making them too hot or too cold for life. Others were too big and likely to be uninhabitable gas giants like Jupiter. Those that are too small are highly difficult to detect in the first place.
Both Gliese 581 d and Gliese 581 e are located in constellation Libra and orbit around Gliese 581.
Like other planets circling that star - scientists have discovered four so far - Gliese 581 e was found using the European Southern Observatory's telescope in La Silla, Chile.
The telescope has a special instrument which splits light to find wobbles in different wavelengths. Those wobbles can reveal the existence of other worlds.
"It is great work and shows the potential of this detection method," said Lisa Kaltenegger, an astronomer at the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics.
European researchers said they not only found the smallest exoplanet ever, called Gliese 581 e, but realised that a neighbouring planet discovered earlier, Gliese 581 d, was in the prime habitable zone for potential life.
An exoplanet is a planet beyond the Solar system that orbits a star other than the Sun. "The Holy Grail of current exoplanet research is the detection of a rocky, Earth-like planet in the 'habitable zone,"' said Michel Mayor, an astrophysicist at Geneva University in Switzerland.
An American expert called the discovery of the tiny planet "extraordinary."
Gliese 581 e is only 1.9 times the size of Earth - while previous planets found outside our solar system are closer to the size of massive Jupiter, which NASA says could swallow more than 1,000 Earths.
Gliese 581 e sits close to the nearest star, making it too hot to support life. Still, Mayor said its discovery in a solar system 20 light years away from Earth is a "good example that we are progressing in the detection of Earth-like planets."
Scientists also discovered that the orbit of planet Gliese 581 d, which was found in 2007, was located within the "habitable zone" - a region around a sun-like star that would allow water to be liquid on the planet's surface, Mayor said.
He spoke at a news conference on Tuesday at the University of Hertfordshire during the European Week of Astronomy and Space Science.
Gliese 581 d is probably too large to be made only of rocky material, fellow astronomer and team member Stephane Udry said, adding it was possible the planet had a "large and deep" ocean.
"It is the first serious 'water-world' candidate," Udry said.
Mayor's main planet-hunting competitor, Geoff Marcy of the University of California, Berkeley, praised the find of Gliese 581 e as "the most exciting discovery" so far of exoplanets - planets outside our solar system.
"This discovery is absolutely extraordinary," Marcy told The Associated Press by email, calling the discoveries a significant step in the search for Earth-like planets.
While Gliese 581 e is too hot for life "it shows that nature makes such small planets, probably in large numbers," Marcy commented. "Surely the galaxy contains tens of billions of planets like the small, Earth-mass one announced here."
Nearly 350 planets have been found outside our solar system, but so far nearly every one of them was found to be extremely unlikely to harbour life.
Most were too close or too far from their sun, making them too hot or too cold for life. Others were too big and likely to be uninhabitable gas giants like Jupiter. Those that are too small are highly difficult to detect in the first place.
Both Gliese 581 d and Gliese 581 e are located in constellation Libra and orbit around Gliese 581.
Like other planets circling that star - scientists have discovered four so far - Gliese 581 e was found using the European Southern Observatory's telescope in La Silla, Chile.
The telescope has a special instrument which splits light to find wobbles in different wavelengths. Those wobbles can reveal the existence of other worlds.
"It is great work and shows the potential of this detection method," said Lisa Kaltenegger, an astronomer at the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics.
Friday, March 27, 2009
The ongoing worldwide economic recession has badly damaged the hope,plan and expectations of each and everybody.Really,the impact is so painfull that the thousands of people lost their job which was basic means of their happiness and livelihood.The unemployement rate has highly been increased since the day of economic crisis,which is still supposed to get in the worst state.The Australian prime minister has told that it will show its horrible symptoms before everything gets in the direction of betterment.The government has announced the economic stimulus package so as to help the people and the ongoing business sector to get stimulated to better form.The package has diverse aspects one of them is granting $900.00 to the Australian tax
payers who have income less than 90,000.00 .It aims in enhancing the weakening purchasing capasity of the people to be uplifted to some extent.It was a big issue in the parliament.The oppositions tried their best to stop this package to be implemented but luckily the government got the supports of independent senaters and the programme is ready to be launched.Still their is a case being filed by an advocate to the court .If it wins the case then its sure and certain ,nobody will get the purposed $900.00.But there is minimum probability of happening of such aspect..Any way I will be earning $900.00 from the Australian government..let me stimulate the economy to some exent.........

Saturday, February 14, 2009

The news says it was the worst bushfire in the Australian history which is still out of controll and thousands of firefighters not only from throughtout the nation but also from Newzealand,England and USA have been trying die hard to put it off but its still out of controll.It has already killed almost 200 people and destroyed thousands of houses.Innumerable creatures,flora and fauna have been changed into ash... and the people of Maryville which has been totally destroyed by the fire have started to say it as Ashville...I don't remember exactly but its almost more than a week,I have been going through the bushfire news..........its really pity and sad news...the entire inhabited region has been converted into ash.....
Let me talk about myself ..the worst week is over,the better days are ahead...I can guess it very well.The Menzies hotel is doing well for me....,the Hardware has well trusted to me...now I can say Iam not so bad in others evaluation...
Iam happy with the recent trust others have put in me.Really the life is full of challanges,frequent woes and worries ,which always remain surrounding us,its the true reality to be accepted by we all.Furthurmore , for me the worst days have perhaps already experimented...which I faced with full of sentiments,pain and difficulties...
I am optimistic never became so much afraid of the terrific situation regarding the socio-economic matters.I as far know have solved such situations tactfully not in emotion and hurry.
Very soon I need to buy a laptop,before that $1000.00 due left to pay Hostec,$500.00 is still left as debt... some amout I need to manage for the home as well.The last months bill for the mobile was really dreadfull which amounted to $143.00.It normally used to reach to $80.00 and minimum of $69.00.
Anyway by the upcoming week ,I expect the days will be far better than the days of the worst week..........
Let me talk about myself ..the worst week is over,the better days are ahead...I can guess it very well.The Menzies hotel is doing well for me....,the Hardware has well trusted to me...now I can say Iam not so bad in others evaluation...
Iam happy with the recent trust others have put in me.Really the life is full of challanges,frequent woes and worries ,which always remain surrounding us,its the true reality to be accepted by we all.Furthurmore , for me the worst days have perhaps already experimented...which I faced with full of sentiments,pain and difficulties...
I am optimistic never became so much afraid of the terrific situation regarding the socio-economic matters.I as far know have solved such situations tactfully not in emotion and hurry.
Very soon I need to buy a laptop,before that $1000.00 due left to pay Hostec,$500.00 is still left as debt... some amout I need to manage for the home as well.The last months bill for the mobile was really dreadfull which amounted to $143.00.It normally used to reach to $80.00 and minimum of $69.00.
Anyway by the upcoming week ,I expect the days will be far better than the days of the worst week..........
Friday, January 30, 2009
I PAID $2160....NOT $3160

Despite of tough week,I hardly could manage to pay the sum of $2160 to the HOSTEC, for which I should thank myself.The so expected borrowing is negligible in that sum.So ,I am self content to some extent.The overall matter has been disclosed to my home,though nobody suggesed to me to do so.I do not have any guilty feeling on saying the truth to my home,whatever its immediate effect be.I usually do what my heart speaks and mind thinks but not what others suggest and tell.But sometimes ,the actions may be exception.
Whats life?As far I have understood,its a challage,its a struggle and furthurmore its the mixture of sentiments,happiness,union,separation,conflict,problem,solution,pain,relief,loss,profit,feast,festivals.
I was in online today with my sister sharada. Vauju and Manas are coming today to kathmandu.Really, how is Manas? I don't know exactly,I guess ,he is a bit tall with slightly changed look up and may be a bit talkative and demonstrative.Its really hard for me to analyse overall aspects.......
Tomorrow and day after tomorrow ,I need to go to Rydalmere.On Monday as I promised with Sharada, I need to do so...I mean I need to go to ...........and ...........
After a long gap ,Pradip and me talked in length.Laxman also talked with me...,they stay together.In fact,Laxman did a lot for PARDIP ,as far as I know.
The returning of Laxman from CANTERBURY 322,on the very day of Goma's birthday and me with him.........on the way being confused, finding of the house(Laxman) is really interestin if I explain in detail......nearly at about 1 am we two reached his room,its really matter of unforgetable moment...
Its now 11.25pm,Iam alone,Bandana,Goma and others have gone for the city surfing..Bandana is really energetic,she doesn't feel anysort of tiredness if somebody tells her to go for city dwelling...or...to go far at a distance for refreshment......
Sometime, I feel I should suggest her to change the ongoing,developing habit to a better form ,which would be looking like praiseworthy neplese habit but not the copied Aussie life style.....
Anyway being ,senior various responsibilities arise and to complete perfectly its not as easy as we all come to think at once.
At last ,again ,I would like to pray for wisdom,morals and energy with the almighty god/goddess...
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

To say the very truth this week(starting from 25 th Jan ) is the worst for me in all aspects.I not only lost mine laptop but also hardly about to lose the job in Menzies Hotel.Besides these,I need to pay amounting $3100 by this friday(i.e. 30 th Jan) and submit the due assignments which is almost impossible to be done without computer.The so dear digital camera is nomore with me.The beloved luggage bag is being cut with knife which is almost impossible to use .The ocean of sentiment is withinme.I unwillingly made the fact to know to my wife gita today.The surprise is nothing else has been stolen except the electronic device.Along with my laptop goma's laptop which she had brought on the previous day was also being stolen.All these happened on the 27th of January,2009.Goma( Bandana's friend) and Gaurab(Goma's friend) had locked the room at about 3.15 pm and I arrived here at about 4.30 pm.Within this gap the overall case happened.While I came the door was being kept opened,the dresses of mine were randomely misplaced.At first ,I was surprised to see nobody inside with the opened door,then I looked around the inner room and bathroom, I could see nobody and I confirmed myself about the theft of laptops and camera.I phoned to Goma,she just surprised and didn't believe at first and wished to come back without attending the class.She had gone to take the classes.Almost in an hour she came back with Gaurab.He made me to register the case in POLICE.I did ,the details were asked and the police was supposed to come immediately but after then a call came from there and said they would come the next day morning.But didn't come today as well.
Very sadly I went to Glebe to attend the class ,on the way I emailed to Tony regarding the case and difficulties in handling the assignments on the scheduled date due to the case.He felt expressed sadness over the matter and asked the estimeeted time to redo the assignments through email. By Monday I promised to submit.
Really the week is very tough for me.Exactly ,its one year on the 30th of Jan2009,I came here on the 30th of Jan 2008.
Let me pray and hope in the upcoming days the almighty god/goddess will giveme enough ideas and power,confidence and moarals to live a happy life.At the same time I would like to remember my late grandmother,grandfather,my wife's late father,my late sister and all late forefatheres.I wish and pray they all combinely will help me in all aspects.................
Very sadly I went to Glebe to attend the class ,on the way I emailed to Tony regarding the case and difficulties in handling the assignments on the scheduled date due to the case.He felt expressed sadness over the matter and asked the estimeeted time to redo the assignments through email. By Monday I promised to submit.
Really the week is very tough for me.Exactly ,its one year on the 30th of Jan2009,I came here on the 30th of Jan 2008.
Let me pray and hope in the upcoming days the almighty god/goddess will giveme enough ideas and power,confidence and moarals to live a happy life.At the same time I would like to remember my late grandmother,grandfather,my wife's late father,my late sister and all late forefatheres.I wish and pray they all combinely will help me in all aspects.................
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To say the truth the days and night ,happiness and sorrow,success and failure,union and separation all are just like the two sides of a coin.Today is the 22nd of July and its almost going to be exactly six months in the 30th of july for mine stay in the sydney.The days ,weeks and the days remained really of some different experience and excitement.Sometimes I feel very good of sydney and sometimes very awfull.......if you have no source of income ,its really equivalent to hell...if you have then it may be equivalent to heaven to someextent..........
so nice
my suburb..summer hill..A t first I used to live herein